Odo Head Spa offered by Odo Beauty Care Limited

Odo Beauty Care Limited Welcome to our first Odo Head Spa Salon located at 9F Pennington Com Bldg., 17 Pennington Street, Causeway Bay (Near to Regal Hotel, Hong Kong and above 7-11) 香港铜锣湾边寧顿亍 17号 边寧顿商业大厅厦电梯 9字 鄰近香港富豪酒店,7-11 樓上 TEL: 9010-1586 English and Japanese only (英/日语) Email: info@odo.com.hk BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 完全予約制 敬请电約


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Takeover - SubDomain TakeOver Vulnerability Scanner

Sub-domain takeover vulnerability occur when a sub-domain (subdomain.example.com) is pointing to a service (e.g: GitHub, AWS/S3,..) that has been removed or deleted. This allows an attacker to set up a page on the service that was being used and point their page to that sub-domain. For example, if subdomain.example.com was pointing to a GitHub page and the user decided to delete their GitHub page, an attacker can now create a GitHub page, add a CNAME file containing subdomain.example.com, and claim subdomain.example.com. For more information: here

# git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/takeover.git
# cd takeover
# python takeover.py
wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/m4ll0k/takeover/master/takeover.py && python takeover.py

More info

