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Fwd: danger of canola oil (芥花籽油)

From: Ricky Yau
Date: 2010/6/14

主題: The danger of canola oil (芥花籽油)
近收到一位服務於醫藥界的朋友傳來這份電郵, 如當頭棒喝. 從今天起, 我會立即把家中的芥花籽油棄掉. 改吃粟米油. 但唔知會唔會又有"基因改造", 真係好驚. 都唔知食乜嘢才安全.
 如你們現有食用"芥花籽油"的話, 便請花點時間細閱下文, 尤其是那段英文, 以進一步認識這種標榜健康的"食用". 最好亦能轉告你們的親友, 請他們也提高警覺啊.
The English version of contents follow after the Chinese Version.........
Before you all rush to your kitchen to find and throw away any Canola oil you can find,  check this link fist:
標榜是植物油的Canola Oil來自什麼植物呢?如果去查字典,會發現根本沒有這個字,但是,在市場上,Canola oil多半被翻譯成芥花籽油,事實上,這個字是一個複合字,來自CanadaOil的組合,因為這種油產自於加拿大。它並非來自自然植物,而是在加拿大,產自於將rapeseed植物進行基因工程改造的一種油脂。

植物是芥花 (mustard plant)家族的一支,所以廠商很技巧的將之翻譯為芥花籽油,但是他和真正的芥花籽油 (mustard oil) 卻孑然不同。

植物是一種有毒植物,人類或動物都不能食用,長久以來都被使用於工業用途,例如:製作驅蟲劑,效果顯著、工業潤滑油、肥皂、色料....等。所以,他並非食物。canola oil是用基因改造之後的rapeseed來製作。在飲食界一片害怕動物油脂,主張植物性油脂的聲浪下,因為rapeseed種植成本低廉,canola oil悄悄的進入食用油市場,國外相關利益單位甚至花費了5000萬給FDA,說canola oil是安全的油脂,但是,事實是,canola oil會造成許多可怕的危險,包含肺癌等。

避免使用含有 canola oil 的食物 - 通常甚至土司 (Toast) 奶油含有canola oil. 所以,下回到超市買東西時,一定 一定 要細讀 "產品成份"。


From: 蒙古乞顏部●孛兒赤斤●鐵木真Kiyan.Borjigin.Temujin
Date: 2010/6/12

 Dear all, 

Please read below. The message is true. I almost lost my daughter who put a piece of the leaf of this plant in her mouth and her tongue swelled to the point of suffocation. This is one plant but there are others with the same characteristics of coloring. Those are also poisonous and we should get rid of them. Please watch out for our children. As we all leave our children home in the hands of the helpers, we should give them a safe environment where they can play

 "This plant that we have in our homes and offices is extremely dangerous!
This plant is common in Kenya ,  Rwanda, Uganda in plant nurseries, many offices and  homes. It is a deadly poison, mainly for the children. It can kill a kid in less than a minute and an adult in 15 minutes. It should be uprooted from gardens and taken out of offices. If touched, one should never touch ones eyes; it can cause partial or permanent blindness. Please alert your buddies.  





Fwd: FW: Heart attack information

From: 蒙古乞顏部●孛兒赤斤●鐵木真Kiyan.Borjigin.Temujin
Date: 2010/6/12

Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 5:08 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Fw: Heart attack information

 This is good info. We did not know that you should not lie down while waiting for the EMT

Heart attack info NEW ASPIRIN/ Serious stuff, no joke!!
Just a reminder to all: purchase a box, keep one in your car, pocketbook, wallet, bedside, etc.

Something that we can do to help ourselves.  Nice to know.
Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve under the tongue. They work much faster than the tablets.

Why keep aspirin by your bedside?
About Heart Attacks

There are other symptoms of an heart attack besides the pain on the left arm. 
One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating, however these symptoms may also occur less frequently.
 There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack..  The majority of people (about 60%) who  had a heart attack during their sleep, did not wake up.  However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.

If that happens, immediately dissolve 
two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.
CALL 911 or 999 or 110
say "heart attack!"
say that you have taken 2 aspirins..
phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by

take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and...
 DO NOT lie down ~ 

A Cardiologist has stated that, if each person, after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life can be saved!

I have already shared the information- - What about you?

 forward this message; it may save lives!

Fwd: FW: 理大護眼電郵通訊2010年5月號

From: 蒙古乞顏部●孛兒赤斤●鐵木真Kiyan.Borjigin.Temujin
Date: 2010/6/12
Subject: FW: 理大護眼電郵通訊2010年5月號


Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 5:12 PM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Fw: 理大護眼電郵通訊2010年5月號



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