Odo Head Spa offered by Odo Beauty Care Limited

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EasySploit: A Metasploit Automation Bash Scripts To Use Metasploit Framework Easier And Faster Than Ever

About EasySploit: EasySploit is Metasploit automation tool to use Metasploit Framework EASIER and FASTER than EVER.

EasySploit's options:
  • Windows --> test.exe (payload and listener)
  • Android --> test.apk (payload and listener)
  • Linux --> test.py (payload and listener)
  • MacOS --> test.jar (payload and listener)
  • Web --> test.php (payload and listener)
  • Scan if a target is vulnerable to ms17_010 (EnternalBlue)
  • Exploit Windows 7/2008 x64 ONLY by IP (ms17_010_eternalblue)
  • Exploit Windows Vista/XP/2000/2003 ONLY by IP (ms17_010_psexec)
  • Exploit Windows with a link (HTA Server)
  • Contact with me - My accounts

EasySploit's installation
   You must install Metasploit Framework first.
   For Arch Linux-based distros, enter this command: sudo pacman -S metasploit

   For other Linux distros, enter these command to install Metasploit Framework:    And then, enter these commands to install EasySploit:

How to use EasySploit? (EasySploit video series tutorials)

Disclaimer about EasySploit:
   Usage of EASYSPLOIT for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is ILLEGAL. Developers are not responsible for any damage caused by this script. EASYSPLOIT is intented ONLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES!!! STAY LEGAL!!!

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